Issue 01


Examining the human spirit and its potential within the natural world.

Issue 01


Design and Nature: The Symbiosis of the Future

Issue 01  8 Min Read

Could 2021 be the year we look to designers to help imagine and build a better future? What role can they play in rewriting the script of tomorrow?

All stories


Editors' Note

As we began exploring the theme of Habitat for our inaugural issue, we quickly realized that there is untapped wisdom locked up in nature.

We recently met a personal hero who stated “If you want to see nature, all you have to do is look in the mirror.” (You know who you are.) 

As we began exploring the theme of Habitat for our inaugural issue, we quickly realized that there is untapped wisdom locked up in nature. The common thread amongst the people and ideas featured is that each is working with the variables around them to improve and build resilience into their own habitats: a biologist in Spain has prioritized his years of observing relationships on the African savannah to create a blueprint for a future of truly sustainable food production; an engineer and real estate developer in Los Angeles has catalyzed his life experiences to champion the importance of community; and a hotelier utilizes his latest hospitality project to drive healthy economic growth for the region’s local population while reforesting the land. This only scratches the surface. These topics are meant to start a conversation and be revisited in successive issues.

Our intention is that we may all take a slice of inspiration from these people and their stories. To allow them to encourage us that the time to plug in, to dig deep, to connect with each other and the world around us is always now. As we embark on different topics, we aspire to have your own stories also appear on these pages. 

We are nature. Let’s look in the mirror.

Read Issue 01